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Leading Safety Qualification Developer in UK

Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited


Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited
Dial to Drive

+44 7413 349 006

Become Accredited Training Provider

Become Accredited Training Provider

BritsafeTM Qualifications UK Limited is currently open to accreditation enquiries. To offer BritsafeTM qualifications, it is essential to attain the status of an accredited BritsafeTM Learning Partner. This accreditation provides numerous advantages, including access to professional guidance, support, and specialized resources that are crucial for delivering qualifications that are both globally relevant and esteemed. Accredited partners not only gain the privilege of listing their courses in the "Where to Study" section of our website but also receive a unique BritsafeTM Learning Partner logo. Additionally, they have access to a collection of customized marketing materials, further enhancing their ability to effectively promote their courses.

Initiating an accreditation enquiry marks the initial step towards becoming an accredited BritsafeTM Learning Partner. To be eligible for accreditation to offer BritsafeTM qualifications, certain specific criteria must be fulfilled:

  • Your organization should employ qualified and experienced instructors. At the very least, a Lead Tutor must be designated for each qualification you aim to provide. This ensures that the delivery of courses is led by knowledgeable and skilled educators.
  • The development of appropriate course materials for each qualification you plan to offer is a key responsibility of your institution. It is essential that these materials are crafted to meet the high standards expected for delivering these qualifications effectively.

The creation of suitable course materials for each qualification you intend to provide is a fundamental duty of your organization. These materials must be accurately designed to align with the higher standards required for the effective delivery of these qualifications. If your initial enquiry advances to a formal accreditation application, be aware that there is a one time non-refundable fee of 2 GBP for the application process (500% OFF till 15th January 2025). This fee covers the expenses of a validation visit to your facilities, which can be conducted either virtually or in person. For a detailed breakdown of the accreditation fees associated with each qualification, please consult the BritsafeTM Learning Partner fees schedule provided below.

Before submitting an enquiry, you should download and read the following documents.

  • Tutor Assessor criteria
  • BritsafeTM Learning Partner Fees list (updated 15 November 2024)
  • Becoming a BritsafeTM Learning Partner Guide

If you have any questions or would like to discuss options before completing your initial application, please contact accreditation@britsafequal.com

Make an enquiry

We will assess your enquiry and contact you to confirm whether we wish to invite you to make a formal accreditation application. Once a formal accreditation application has been submitted, this will be reviewed at the earliest convenience.

Click "Confirm and proceed" to access and submit the accreditation enquiry form. If you leave the page without completing the form, progress will be lost.

Part A

Your organization

Your training offering

Britsafe Qualification(s)


  • I hereby declare that I am the authorized representative of my organization and possess the necessary authority to submit this application.
  • I understand that the provision of accurate and complete information is crucial. Any inaccuracies or omissions in the application may lead to rejection.
  • This enquiry will undergo a review process by Britsafe (hereinafter referred to as "Company"). My organization may or may not be invited to proceed with a further application process, which may involve the payment of an application fee.
  • I acknowledge that the accreditation fee, once paid, is non-refundable under any circumstances, irrespective of the outcome of the application.
  • I understand that submitting an application to become an Britsafe Learning Partner constitutes an offer to enter into an agreement with the Company. However, the submission of the application does not bind the Company to accept the offer.
  • By submitting an application to become an Britsafe Learning Partner, I confirm that my organization will adhere to the mandatory policies and procedures set forth by Britsafe.
  • Britsafe reserves the right to reject any enquiry or application at its sole discretion, without providing a detailed explanation or feedback.
  • Please note that Britsafe is unable to provide individual feedback on specific enquiries or applications.

By submitting this enquiry form, you expressly agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Price £ 2

Ask For Quotation

Book a discussion session with us to let us know about your requirements.

Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited