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Leading Safety Qualification Developer in UK

Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited


Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited
Dial to Drive

+44 7413 349 006


Public concern at work, commonly known as "whistleblowing," occurs when an employee or appointed individual reports suspected wrongdoing in the workplace. Officially referred to as "making a protected disclosure," this procedure applies to individuals and organizations wishing to report any wrongdoing related to the delivery and assessment of qualifications and customized awards.
Employees and associated individuals who make a "protected disclosure" are legally protected from retaliation or dismissal. The key whistleblowing legislation, the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA), safeguards nearly all employees and associated individuals who work or study in the UK.

This policy applies to all Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited staff and registered learners involved in delivering or participating in qualifications or units.

How to ‘Blow the Whistle’
  • Staff members can report suspected wrongdoing in confidence by speaking to or writing to an appointed person at Britsafe™ Qualifications UK.
  • If staff believe their line manager might cover up the issue, treat them unfairly for reporting, or fail to address the problem, they should go directly to the Head of Centre.
  • If further investigation is warranted, Britsafe™ will inform the whistle-blower of the investigation's outcome and any actions taken.

Types of Whistleblowing Eligible for Protection:
  • Health and safety risks
  • Environmental damage
  • Criminal offenses
  • Non-compliance with legal requirements
  • Concealment of workplace or learning environment misconduct

Who is Protected from Dismissal?
  • Employees
  • Agency workers
  • Individuals training with an employer but not employed
  • Self-employed workers under supervision

Responsibilities of the Head of Centre in Whistleblowing Cases:
  • Taking the concern seriously
  • Conducting a thorough and objective investigation
  • Keeping the whistle-blower informed of progress
  • Ensuring any required actions to resolve the concern are taken

Investigating Procedure:
  • Obtain full details and clarifications regarding the complaint.
  • Inform the staff member against whom the complaint is made.
  • Assess whether the Centre auditors or police should be involved.
  • Conduct a comprehensive investigation into the allegations.
  • Make a judgment on the validity of the complaint and document findings.
  • Determine appropriate action if the complaint is validated.
  • Keep the complainant informed of investigation progress.

Confidentiality will be maintained during the investigation to the extent practical and appropriate. However, to conduct an effective investigation, Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited may need to identify the scope of the investigation and determine which individuals should be informed or interviewed.

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Book a discussion session with us to let us know about your requirements.

Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited