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Leading Safety Qualification Developer in UK

Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited


Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited
Dial to Drive

+44 7413 349 006


This document outlines the procedures for utilizing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as evidence for program entry and/or qualification achievement. Tutors and assessors will discuss any prior learning or experience with learners during enrollment and before registration with the awarding organization for any qualification.
Tutors will verify entry to a qualification or grant exemption for specific parts of a training program, ensuring that the learner meets the necessary requirements. Learners will receive guidance on how RPL, including credit transfer, may be applied toward their qualification, along with details on any associated costs.

Types of RPL Evidence:
  • Certificated Learning: Evidence from a previously awarded qualification by a regulated awarding organization or higher education institution/university. Credit transfer is a form of RPL that allows credit points from certified learning to count toward another qualification.
  • Non-Certificated Learning: Evidence from learning that occurred in an educational or training setting but did not result in formal certification, such as training courses or work-based activities.
  • Experiential or Informal Learning: Evidence from learning through life or work experiences, which may be unintentional and uncertificated. Learners must generate or present evidence capable of authentication by an assessor.

Assessment Evidence Requirements:
Tutors will guide learners on how they can use the above types of evidence to demonstrate fulfillment of unit or qualification criteria. An assessor will evaluate whether the candidate’s evidence is Valid, Current, Reliable, Authentic, and Sufficient.

Certificated Learning:
Learners must provide documentation of the certificated qualification, any credit certificates (if applicable), and details of the qualification content, such as a qualification specification. Presenting a certificate alone is insufficient. The certificated qualification should be of the same level or higher, and the date of achievement must align with any timeframes specified by the awarding organization.

Non-Certificated and Experiential Learning:
Evidence from informal learning, such as projects, tests, or workplace-produced materials, may be submitted for assessment against qualification criteria. This assessment will be conducted by an assessor and may involve a discussion with the learner to confirm understanding and authenticate the evidence.

Process for Claiming and Assessing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for Achievement:

Step 1: Induction / Prior to Registration
Tutors will discuss the option of using Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to fulfill qualification requirements. They will develop an assessment plan identifying units or criteria that may be satisfied through RPL, ensuring all plans are subject to internal and external quality assurance.

Step 2: Assessment of RPL Evidence
Assessors will map and evaluate the evidence against qualification criteria. They determine whether the evidence fully meets qualification requirements or if additional assessment is necessary, ensuring that it is valid, authentic, reliable, current, and sufficient.

Step 3: Recording Quality Assurance of RPL Evidence and Decisions
The Assessor completes assessment records, referencing and mapping units or criteria evaluated through RPL evidence. RPL decisions are processed through internal quality assurance. Once approved, the RPL mapping is submitted to the awarding organization before claiming achievement. Learners are informed of the RPL decision outcomes.

Right of Appeal:
If a learner is dissatisfied with an RPL decision or believes that the procedures in this document were not applied fairly or objectively, they may appeal using our Appeals Procedure.

Ask For Quotation

Book a discussion session with us to let us know about your requirements.

Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited