This document outlines the safeguarding and protection policy of Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited, providing a clear understanding of what individuals can expect within its learning environment. The commitments and objectives described in this policy aim to ensure a supportive and protective experience for all learners across each program of study, particularly focused on young people and vulnerable adults.
Key Principles:
- Understanding the current safeguarding context within a post-16 training environment.
- Defining the roles and responsibilities of all staff in safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults.
- Identifying and addressing potential risks within the learning environment.
Qualifications UK Limited follows the definition of safeguarding as outlined in The Children Act 2004:
- Protecting children, young people, and vulnerable adults from maltreatment.
- Preventing children, young people, and vulnerable adults’ health or development impairment.
- Enabling children, young people, and vulnerable adults to have the best possible life opportunities and transition successfully into adulthood.
Britsafe™ acknowledges that safeguarding extends beyond protecting individuals from intentional harm. It also encompasses issues such as:
- Health and safety
- Bullying
- Racist abuse
- Harassment and discrimination
- Appropriate use of physical intervention
- Addressing the needs of individuals with medical conditions
- Providing first aid
- Managing drug and substance misuse
- Ensuring internet safety
- Maintaining a secure training environment
Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited places emphasis on gathering learners' views on their sense of safety within the training environment, through both informal discussions and formal feedback or evaluation forms. The responsibility for safeguarding extends beyond the training environment itself to encompass any setting in which learners engage with training.
Britsafe™ Qualifications UK Limited is fully accountable for safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults, adhering to current legislation. Center Managers and staff are well-informed about their statutory safeguarding responsibilities and are committed to practices that go beyond the minimum legal requirements.
Reducing Risk:
- Assigning a designated operations manager responsible for safeguarding all learners.
- Implementing a clear reporting system for concerns about the safety of children, young people, and vulnerable adults, accessible to learners, staff, parents, guardians, carers, and other stakeholders.
- Establishing prompt and effective referral systems for safeguarding concerns to relevant agencies.
- Monitoring attendance and taking appropriate action when necessary, particularly for vulnerable individuals.
- Conducting risk assessments as appropriate, following relevant guidelines.